Thursday, July 22, 2010

A Day of Answered Prayers...

We were blessed to have Roger, one of the chaplains here, lead us in devotion this morning...he reminded us of the story of how Jesus healed the ten lepers but only one came back praising and thanking Him. And how we need to be more diligent in just simply thanking those that help us in any little way. We then shared in some communion together in the half done shelter overlooking the ocean (since I have been here the other half of the roof is on as well as some screen on the outside!)

We weren't sure if we would even be able to go to our site today because there was talk of riots all over Haiti protesting the president. The tap-taps weren't running (which is a big truck that holds a lot of people) and that is their main way of transportation. But thankfully, by God's grace, all of our drivers and translators made it in! And we prayed before we left that we would not have any problems with violence and once again God answered our prayers!

Our site today was in Petit Guave, which was close to the epicenter of the earthquake...we did a mobile clinic again at a new location. The SP people went ahead of us and set up our tent (the organization of SP is amazing!) When we arrived there were tons of people sitting and waiting for us. We hurriedly got things set up and started in...I was able to do triage for the first half and then did pharmacy for the second half...I will be honest, I was having a hard time today because the heat in the tent was intense and when I was trying to do vitals, I had mosquitoes flying all around me in my face. After getting a bit dehydrated yesterday, I was trying to be mindful of my fluid intake, but things just get so crazy and there are so many people to be seen that you try to push through. I finally had to stop and take a break. Even after eating and drinking something I was still struggling with not getting irritated while I was in pharmacy. But I kept reminding myself that no matter how much sweat, mosquitoes, dehydration and heat that I had to endure, its nothing in comparison to what these people deal with everyday of their lives.

Once again after getting back from the day we have to recount all our meds and re-stock for the next day. And then I was able to get a shower without rain this evening-Praise the Lord! And Edith, our wonderful cook, blessed us again with a fabulous meal...I have heard that this compound is known for their incredible food and they are so right! I have eaten better here than I do at home!! I also got some amazing pics of the sunset tonight too.

And I can't help but laugh, but after showering I actually took some time to blow dry my hair for the first time all week and you would have thought I went out and got the most amazing hair style done in the entire world!! I came to dinner and everyone was saying how I had the best hair in Haiti!! : ) Well praise the Lord, that certainly was an unexpected encouragement! : )

Another amazing thing is that as you all saw, my computer was literally would not turn on at all. Well, one of my amazing teammates, told me this evening that I should try my computer again...I looked at her and shook my head and said its completely dead. But I still got it out anyway and it came on and is working!!! She then told me when she was working with another missionary, who really needed his computer to stay in touch with people, she decided to lay hands on it and pray for it. She then told me she did the same thing to mine last night when we were all out of the room!! Praise God!!

One thing I am being even more mindful of is my words and even "little" back has been hurting terribly at night and sometimes I don't sleep the best. But then, I am quickly convicted, when one of our interpreters or drivers is with us or directly asks how my night was...and knowing that they all sleep in tents with multiple other people and sometimes have to endure pouring rain all night, I am suddenly reminded how unbelievably blessed that I am. We think that we have so many hardships and complain about so many things on a daily eyes have been opened even more to true hurting people that can still have joy amidst the daily hardships that they endure.

God bless you all for reading this...I will hope fully get some more pics posted soon! Pray for joy and compassion amidst the intense, hot conditions. And pray that the love of Christ would be evident in our actions and words!

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