This is our new home for the next 2 weeks at Laogone...such a luxury, we have air conditioned tents!!
Today was a day of transition as we left the one compound and headed 2.5 hrs to another SP compound at Laogone. It was an eye opening ride as we saw many tent cities and people everywhere...the roads were horrible driving, but I praise God for our amazing haitian driver!
We met up with Tiffany who is the nurse that runs the medical outreach here and got settled in...and thankfully with help from the staff, we got the lights in our room to work! Until then, I was unpacking with my nifty head lamp (which I think is one of the best inventions of all time!!) We got some chill time and dinner and devotional...and the staff here decided to start going through James, which is awesome since that is what we are going through at Apex!
After that, the medical team got stuff ready to take out to the clinics and mobile outreaches tomorrow. There is lots to know and be ready for and we will be getting up at 5:30 am, breakfast at 6:30, devo at 7:30 and then head out at 8am. Pray for strength as I am still trying to catch up from all the sleep I lost preparing for the trip...and pray that I would rely on the Lord's strength and not my own!
I so want to write more but its so late and I desperately need a good nights rest...and plus I am typing in the dark as my roomies sleep!
Please keep praying!
Lisa it is so wonderful to read about your journey thus far to Haiti. I am definitely praying for you: for strength, for wisdom, for pure joy in loving others the way the Lord loves us. You are such an encouragement & I'm so proud of you for taking this step in faith, knowing that God would handle the details. I miss your laugh! Hugs sister:)